

FAQs about dental implants answered

Are you looking for a straightforward and effective way to get rid of a gap between your teeth? Do you not want to attempt bridges or fitted dentures?

If so, it may be worth looking into oral implants.

Domingos Mamede is a professional in fitting dental implants Cambridge and will be happy to oversee all aspects of the fitting and aftercare. This will ensure that the implants are fitted correctly and have the highest chance of being integrated into the jawbone as a stable base for future prosthetic teeth. Great stuff!

Of course, you may have questions about dental implants Cambridge before wanting to undertake the treatment, and in this article, five key questions about this treatment are answered.

Does the fitting cause discomfort?

Many patients assume that having dental implants Cambridge fitted will cause discomfort, but this is not the case. Dr Mamede will make sure that the site where the implant is going to be fixed is completely numb before the treatment begins. If you are nervous, sedation can be offered. When you are at home after the fitting, you may need to take over-the-counter pain relief, and in this instance, you should take paracetamol.

Are there special requirements needed for the fitting?

Yes, to have oral implants fitted, you need to have a healthy and thick jaw bone. On top of this, you must be over the age of 18 and not have any underlying dental issues such as tooth decay or gum disease.

Is the aftercare difficult?

When you are at home after the implantation procedure, you will need to take the load off of the implant site. So, you should not brush the area with a toothbrush for a few days until the inflammation in the gums begins to recede. Instead, you should keep the site clean by rinsing it with salt water as and when required, usually around four times a day. Keep an eye out for signs of infection, which may include feeling unwell, the presence of pus, discolouration of the gums and abnormal swelling.

If you follow the aftercare tips mentioned here, there is a higher chance that the implants will integrate correctly.

How long do they last?

Provided that you follow the aftercare as set down for your clinical case, your oral implants should easily last between 10 and 15 years, but some patients can have implants last as long as 20 years and beyond. At any time, if you suspect that your oral implants are becoming loose, please book an appointment. Early diagnosis of why oral implants may be loose provides a better outcome when refitting them.

Are they expensive?

In a word, no, oral implants are not as expensive as you may think they are. There are many financing options available to those who want to undertake dental implants, and when you come to see Domingos Mamede, the most suitable option available to you will be discussed. Typically, this is a breakdown of the overall costs into affordable monthly instalments, but it will be subject to a credit check.